The Story Behind Recluta | Superyacht News
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The Story Behind Recluta

It's a story that spans nearly 80 years after beginning in 1942, and now a new book called The Story of Recluta tells of a boat's fate, written by Zelmira Frers, the daughter of the famous boat designer Germán.

And now boat lovers everywhere can enjoy her first book of 200 pages of text and photographs - it will delight anyone who has a passion for the nautical world.

The story will also intrigue those who love architecture, design, art, and history.

Zelmira recorded and photographed every detail. 

The book recounts the three years that Zelmira recorded and photographed every detail of Recluta's construction.

The story of Recluta began in 1942 when she was taking part in a race from Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata.

Here, she collided with a storm and succumbed to the onslaught of the waves and wind. Afterward, the legendary naval architect Germán Frers Sr. offered to rebuild the yacht but adapted to his own design while using parts from the original Recluta.

The World War II times.

She would have been the largest yacht ever built in South America, but because the work took place during World War II, there was a crucial shortage of materials to complete the project.

Indeed, work was suspended indefinitely, so Recluta had, unfortunately, 'run aground' once again.

To purchase the book, contact the author or find more information, visit

German and Zelmira Frers

Zelmira Frers





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