Sunseeker 35m Lost Boys | NAVIS Aug / Sep 2018 | NAVIS
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Sunseeker 35m Lost Boys

Just as it seems the world of superyachts has reached its pinnacle, the Sunseeker 116 Lost Boys has continued to push the industry’s relentless pursuit of perfection. As the “sequel” to the widely appreciated 115 Sport Yacht, this remarkable masterpiece by Sunseeker demonstrates a level of class, sophistication, and aesthetic appeal which—even in an industry as luxurious as yacht building—is something that is seemingly unrivaled.

The company proudly claims, “By daring to go where others don’t, we’ll take you to places others only dream of.” From the moment you begin to experience the Sunseeker in all of her magnificent glory, you will start to discover that this claim is much more than a slogan or a simple statement; it is the embodiment of what the yacht making industry should strive to achieve. By dreaming of something unprecedented and striving to make such a dream a reality, the 116 Lost Boys has been able to create a new paradigm of what a yacht ought to be.

Superior Design

The design team at Sunseeker—along with their dedicated partners—worked relentlessly to create a ship that is able to embody the successes of the past while simultaneously striving to establish new precedents for the future. Every square inch of this masterpiece was crafted deliberately and with a very specific goal in mind.

Despite the universal commitment to aesthetic perfection that can be witnessed in this work of art, the design team knew that functionality could not possibly be sacrificed in the process. Each of the dimensions of the ship were carefully chosen in order to assure that no element of her existence would be too much nor too little.

At 35.2 Meters Long (115.6 feet), Sunseeker’s Lost Boys is truly an impressive length. The beam is 24 feet wide, which is an ideal dimension for the 116 foot length. Consequently, the aptly named Lost Boys is a ship that has a range of up to 1,250 nautical miles. Her maximum speed is a similarly impressive figure of up to 26 knots.
Despite the fact that these figures would be impressive for seemingly any vessel on the open water, the design team refused to cease their efforts upon their achievement. They sought to create a ship that could not only manage 308,000 pounds of displacement but could also comfortably house 12 guests and up to 5 crew members. As you explore each of the levels of the ship, admiring the attention to detail and commitment to functionality that can be found throughout, you will realize that Lost Boys is not just another superyacht, but one that has permanently changed the ways in which yachts are conceived.





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Photos: Sunseeker Media | Words: Andrew Paniello