St. Barth’s Newport Bucket Regattas change hands | NAVIS
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St. Barth’s Newport Bucket Regattas change hands

The legendary superyacht sailing event, first launched in 1986 as a small race held by seven yacht owners and friends, has changed hands to the industry. After four years handling the event, Peter Craig has passed the baton to four well-known titanics: Perini Navi, Royal Huisman, Vitters and Rybovich. After being long term supporters of the event, these four renowned shipyard brands have proudly taken the challenge.

As what has made this event always special is that wholesome fun and non-commercial environment, the new owners have focused on the fact that their main objective as the new stewards it's to keep that Bucket's camaraderie spirit alive for the owners, guests and crew. They have also stated that owners' aspirations, ideas and concerns will be at the very heart of decision-making changes to the format, organisation and evolution of the Bucket Regattas over the years to come, as emphasising that owners and participants will remain as key players at ruling the event and that the bond with the industry will be stronger than ever.

Besides and far from leaving the Bucket, Peter Craig will be both, Event Director and Race Chairman at St. Barth's Newport Bucket Regattas. He stated: "I am honored that the new stewards of the event have expressed their confidence in my team at Premiere Racing. The Bucket Regattas are in a good place, based on feedback from yacht owners and we are fully committed to the goals and objectives that the new ownership has outlined". So somehow and far from changing the spirit of the event, the new stewardship seems to want to make clear that its aim it's to keep and pursue which has been the everlasting stated goal of this almost thirty years event: win the party, where the emphasis it's at convincing the most competitive yacht owners on planet that winning, actually, is not important, but that having a place where to enjoy what they love the most at a well-kept cheerful non-competitive and marketing-free atmosphere, it is.

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