Reach new depths with the Deep Flight Super Falcon | NAVIS
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Reach new depths with the Deep Flight Super Falcon

One of the many perks of being a superyacht owner is having the ability to cruise the world on a whim. Whether you go far and wide or you anchor your vessel at home where your heart is, there is undeniable freedom. Nonetheless, when you have already traveled beyond the realms of your own imagination and the possibilities begin to dwindle, even yachtsmen can become prey of boredom.

"There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars." Jack Kerouak wrote in his very distinctive style. However admired though his prose may be, and when it comes to superyacht owners, they do have an alternative to rolling tirelessly in the big, blue sea. They can go everywhere on the surface, and under the surface as well with the innovative submersible technology of the Deep Flight Super Falcon.

Submersibles have been around yacht enthusiasts for quite some time now, but it is the lack of ballast, among other impressive features, what makes the Super Falcon truly unique and sets it aside from conventional submersibles. The creation by Hawkes Ocean Technologies allows users to explore the ocean freely, from simply cruising through the surface of the water to barrel-rolling with dolphins, spy hopping with whales and accessing the depths of the ocean. When you hop in the winged Super Falcon, you are not simply diving; you are experiencing underwater flight, a quiet, graceful experience which can quickly turn into an adrenaline fueled adventure.

Aside from providing users with an incredible deep flight experience, the Super Falcon is one of the safest submersibles available. With only a tenth of the weight of conventional submersibles, the Super Falcon has higher safety factors than regular aircrafts. In case the submersible loses or runs out of power, it will glide back to the surface of the water. This coupled with its pressurized cabin and off-the-shelf communication system, which allows communication with the main yacht, makes the Deep Flight sub extremely safe and reliable. It can also be operated safely around swimmers, human or not, because of its 38V system voltage and low electric signature. High-efficiency brushless DC drivetrain and underwater-lithium-phosphate battery packs add to its quiet and clean power.

Graham Hawkes' unparalleled genius in the underwater vehicle field has made him responsible for the design of a high percentage of all existing submersibles.Since he immersed himself in the creation of the DeepFlight series, Hawkes Ocean Technologies has built five generations of winged craft, including the 36,000 foot DeepFlight Challenger, and he has provided the world's yachtsmen, but he also provided the world's yachtsmen with an incredible opportunity to access unexplored territory and enjoy new adventures out at sea.

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